Electric vs Gas Lawn Mowers: Which is Best?

Find out if electric or gas-powered lawn mowers are better in our review that also includes pros and cons.

Have you ever owned an electric lawnmower? When they first came onto the market, everyone wanted to trade in their gas-powered lawnmower for a battery-powered one.

For some gardeners who didn’t buy a gas mower, it became apparent they made the wrong decision. In days gone by, electric mowers were full of faults. The underpowered motors couldn’t compete with the grass-cutting efficiency of a gas-powered lawnmower.

Initially, electrical lawnmowers were not a tenable option. Producers addressed these issues within two or three decades and now they are feasible for cutting your grass. International travel is challenging regardless of your age, but parents travelling with kids face an even greater challenge.

A lot of people get a new lawnmower every spring. But what should you really be considering?

Electric vs Gas Lawn Mowers

In comparison to lawnmowers, gas-powered models are still more popular USA. But there is also an increased interest in other types such as electric and battery-operated ones.

  • Gas-powered mowers – The USA is one of the countries where people have to pay for gasoline in order to make these models work.
  • Electric mowers – These mowers come with an electrical cable that supplies power.
  • Battery-powered mowers – These models run on an electric battery that you need to charge after use.

The Gardeners Edge can be divided into three models: Low Profile, Traditional and Walk-Thru. Read the breakdown to determine which one is suited for you.

Lawnmower Considerations

If you are trying to decide between gas-powered and electric lawnmowers, think about your requirements. The right purchase for a specific lawn depends on the lawn’s size and turf type, but one model might be better suited to your yard than others.

Before you make a decision about purchasing a lawnmower, you should first consider the following factors.

Motor Power

If you’re looking for the perfect lawnmower, make sure to compare power output. Those who live on a large property and deal with stones, bumps, and tough sprigs of grass should use gas-powered lawn equipment. Gas-powered lawn mowers are the most powerful of their kind, and they never have trouble cutting through tough grass.

However, some plastic lawn mowers are not designed to handle this type of terrain. Stones may damage the electrical components or put too much stress on them during use. The use of low-quality lawnmower motors will cause them to burn out much sooner.

Battery-operated lawn mowers are great for people who can get by with manicured lawns or have access to a plug at their house.

Gas-powered mowers use the fuel’s power to measure engine size in terms of horsepower and cubic centimetres. When looking at lawnmowers, the most important rating is the torque. Gas-powered motors have an average output of 4.50 to 8.75 ft-lbs of torque.

Battery-powered and electric lawnmowers have a torque rating. However, the system is not straightforward since it’s not based on rotations per minute (RPM). The 400 watts electric lawn mower is designed to be more manageable on a smaller property but performs only at about one third the power of gas-powered models.


When comparing the operation of three lawn mower models, it’s important to consider two primary factors – weight and ease of use.

An important consideration when evaluating lawnmowers is how often you’ll be using them and where you intend to do so.

Do the cord for the mower prevent it from being moved around easily? When you have to replace a cord due to running over it with your wheelchair, the replacement will only cost between $20 and $30.

Lawnmower Runtime

If you need a lawnmower that offers the longest possible runtime, an electric one is your best option. Stay on top of that lawn mowing by using the power of your car. However, if you have a blackout in your neighbourhood today, there will be no lawn mowing for you.

If you have a battery-powered electrical model, it may provide power in this situation. If this is your first time charging the battery, you will not have enough power left to finish cutting your yard. What if you forget to charge the lawnmower after your last use? Consider the possibility that you didn’t reconnect the charger appropriately and it’s dead.

Gas-powered mowers rely on the capacity of their fuel tanks to determine how long they can run. The average gas tank on a lawnmower is 1 gallon, and this amount of gasoline should be enough to cut grass in the average-sized family home.

If you think your car is running on fumes, avoid the embarrassment of having it stall out in front of someone else. However, to compensate for this shortcoming, you’ll need to add motor oil.2-stroke engines rely on oil for efficient, smooth operation and movement of engine parts.

Economy and Eco-Friendly Features

If you are environmentally conscious and want a cheaper lawn care option, an electric mower is your best bet. Electric models cut your carbon footprint more than other types of power, no matter the battery-powered or cord-based model.

Gas-powered models together make up vehicles producing the pollution that contributes to cloud coverage and climate change. It doesn’t just make you feel nauseous, but gas-powered lawn mowers are bad for the environment.

Gas prices are continuing to rise and as such the cost of replacing your lawn with low maintenance, the alternative is becoming more appealing.


If you are looking for the most affordable lawnmower model, you will need to purchase a corded electrical type. Battery-powered lawn mowers are more expensive, mainly due to the inclusion of a lithium-ion battery pack that increases their cost.

You can pick up a battery-powered lawn mower for around the same cost as a mid-level gas-powered model.

Operating Costs

Electrical models are cheaper to run, and they don’t negatively impact outdoor environments. Gas-powered lawn mowers require gas which is more expensive than electric power. While the monthly cost of a maintenance contract is higher than home gardening, there are often significant upfront costs that can be avoided.

Change sentence to One major concern for any gardener looking for good cash flow is the average startup/maintenance costs associated with their chosen method (home garden vs. hired landscaping).

Unpacking the Types of Lawnmowers

To deepen your understanding of the three models in this review, we list their pros and cons so you can decide which model may be best for you.

Electric Lawnmower Pros

  • Easy Maintenance – The best aspect of electric lawnmowers is they need very little maintenance. All you have to do is make sure the blades stay sharp and the underside of the mower stays free from debris.
  • Infinite Run Time – If you have power available in your home, an electric lawnmower is ready to go. They require no fuel and no battery pack to recharge and are a plug-and-play option.
  • Lightweight and Easy to Move – Electric lawnmowers using cable power supply heads are light as well. They cast no room for stress because you can move them easily without taxing yourself.

Electric Lawn Mower Cons

  • The Cable – Cords present a hazard to lawnmowers, so you must ensure you do not inadvertently overlap them with the mower.
  • Not Suitable for Wet Lawns – Don’t worry about cutting your lawn when it is wet. The motor may have trouble cutting grass on wet ground, which would result in the lawnmower breaks down.

Battery-Powered Electric Lawnmowers Pros

  • No Gasoline Required – This eco-friendly watercraft model does not require cables or fuel.
  • Easy Maintenance – There is no need to change spark plugs, clean the carburettor, or find cables for your car.
  • Smooth Operation – Even though they are not as lightweight as electric mowers that use a cable, they still make it easier to navigate over rough terrain than gas-powered models.

Battery-Powered Electric Lawnmowers Pros

  • Replacing the Batteries – We cannot avoid it. Eventually, our battery will reach the end of its service life and require replacement. In most cases, our battery will die after two to three years of use. Battery-powered electric lawnmowers use high-cost lithium-ion battery cells that are hard on the wallet. When you replace the battery, the price tag might make your stomach turn because of how much it is compared to other options.
  • Less Runtime – Battery-powered lawnmowers work for about twenty minutes before needing a charge and they are not as good with heavy grass. With most models, your yard will only be trimmed for a maximum of 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Extended Charging Times – Lithium-ion batteries take a very long time to charge. In most cases, it may take 12 hours or more for the battery to reach full charge. For many people, the best option to store a mower for winter is to simply park it in the garage. However, you shouldn’t forget that most garden shop attendants recommend not leaving the charger plugged into your battery over an extended period of time as this could lead to chemical leakage and wear on your battery’s hydrocarbons.
  • Not Suitable for Wet Lawns – These electric lawnmowers have a lower power rating than the equivalent gas-powered models. Therefore, you’ll strain the motor while cutting wet grass. Additionally, moisture may also affect electrical components.
  • No Battery Standardization – The biggest problem with battery-powered lawn mowers is that there’s no standardization in the battery. Because of this challenge, most brands make a specialized battery pack that they aren’t interchangeable between makes or models.

Gas-Powered Lawn Mowers Pros

  • Plenty of Power – The gas-powered lawnmower is functional in any weather condition – even on wet grass, it will clean up the surface quickly. Compared to a regular lawnmower, the cordless electric one is very easy to start and quickly slices through tough grasses. Even cheaper models typically have powerful motors that are capable of handling any yard.
  • Good Run Time – Gas-powered lawn mowers come in a range of models. Many units have fuel tanks that can hold up to two gallons of gasoline. However, most models have a 1-gallon fuel capacity. Enough fuel for mowing a decent-sized yard.
  • Durable and Robust – In comparison to electric models, gas-powered lawnmowers offer much more durability. The motor makes swift work of the long grass, and it can run for hours without needing to be recharged. Gas-powered lawn mowers cost more than electric models, but they can do the job in half an hour without having to re-cut any areas.
  • Suitable for Use on a Wet Lawn – Gas-powered lawn mowers are the perfect way to cut through wet grass. They slash relentlessly for hours on end, despite the high water content in your lawn.

Gas-Powered Lawn Mowers Cons

  • Runtime – Having extra gas at home in case you don’t use up a tank when mowing the lawn is necessary. Gas-powered lawn mowers need you to mix the oil and gas together in order to lubricate the working parts of your machine so that they do not break down while operating.
  • Maintenance-Heavy – Gas-powered motors must be serviced regularly to ensure they are in proper working order. There are a few parts of your lawnmower that need regular maintenance. One such part is the blade. It needs sharpening every year or so, depending on the thickness of grass you cut and how often you cut it.
  • The barrel, rings, and pistons. The fuel filter. The fuel line. The carburettor. Blades and driveshafts
  • Increased Danger Risk – Gas-powered models of the fan operate at higher speeds than electric models. In order to avoid eye injuries, you’ll need to wear protective glasses or goggles. The fuel may also present a fire hazard in some conditions.
  • Heavy – Most gas-powered lawn mowers come with cast-iron engines. These types of engines are heavy and hard to turn, making them more difficult than other models to manoeuvre.
  • Challenging to Start – Gas lawn mowers typically take more than a few pulls in order to start from their initial state of being turned off.

In Closing – Don’t Listen to Sales Reps

Whenever selecting the perfect lawn mower for your yard, it’s imperative that you consider how you will be using the mower. If you have a small backyard with neatly manicured grass, then an electric lawn mower will be more than sufficient to cut your grass.

If you live on a large property, then gas-powered lawn thatching might be an affordable option. For garden advice for your needs, visit a garden centre. Ask the consultants what they would recommend for your yard.

If you have no idea about how lawnmowers work or what kind of machine that you need, avoid going to a lawnmower dealership. Sales reps at lawnmower dealerships may tempt you into purchasing a model that has more force than you need. While these markets are always looking to upsell, don’t fall prey to this sales practice.

Spend some time searching for lawnmowers online. This will give you a better idea of what type is best for your specific needs. Start with research to narrow your choice for a lawnmower down to two or three models, and then visit the retailer.

When a salesperson sees that you know what you’re looking at, they are less likely to try to take advantage of you.

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