Sweetest Tomatoes to Grow at Home

Are you looking for the sweetest tomatoes to grow at home? Tomatoes are among the easiest vegetables to grow. Fresh tomatoes can be enjoyed straight off the stem, cooked into a salad, or added to a sauce. The taste and appearance of each variety may differ.

For instance, the smaller varieties tend to be sweeter than the larger varieties. Don’t know which variety you should grow? Check out our guide to the sweetest tomatoes.

5 Sweetest Tomatoes to Grow at Home

How to Measure Sweetness

A tomato’s sweetness can be determined by its Brix rating. In addition to wines, honey, juices, and of course tomatoes, Brix ratings measure sugar content.

The Brix rating of tomatoes must be at least 4.5 for products such as tomato juice. Most fresh tomatoes, however, have a pH of between 3.5 and 5.5.

The best-tasting tomatoes, in general, are those with high acidity and sugar levels. That is to say, we aren’t looking for the average tomato. For sweet tomatoes, you’ll want something that measures at least 6 inches.

What is the Sweetest Tomato?

You’ll find the sweetest tomatoes are cherry or plum tomatoes, which have a Brix rating between 6 and 10. Among these, there are five varieties that rank highly:

Rosada Tomatoes

Roseada tomatoes are among the sweetest tomato varieties available. They belong to the baby plum variety. Having a Brix rating of 10.5, they are absolutely delicious.

Plant Rosada tomatoes in chalky or clay soil and ensure they receive plenty of sunlight throughout the day. Rosada tomatoes are an excellent choice for greenhouses and gardens.

Furthermore, its flowers produce pollen rich in nectar, which will support your community’s bee population. It has a slightly thicker skin and grows into an oblong, oval shape. Rosada tomatoes are exceptionally flavorful.

Apero Tomatoes

An excellent variety of cherry tomatoes, Apero tomatoes offer a zesty and sweet taste. With a Brix rating of 9.5, they’re almost as sweet as Rosada tomatoes.

Plant this variety in loamy and sandy soil and give it full sun. Apero tomatoes are a perfect combination of acidity and sweetness and go well with basil, chives, and mint.

Floridity Tomatoes

Also, this mini-plum variety of tomato has a Brix rating of 9.5. The fact that it is so hardy and grows well makes them a great option.

Plants from this family aren’t frost-hardy, so keep them protected whether indoors or outdoors. Floridity tomatoes grow up to 7 inches tall and have an outstanding flavor.

Sakura Tomatoes

Despite ranking slightly lower, Sakura tomatoes are fantastic and a great option for beginners. Brix rating 8.8 for this flavorful and firm fruit.

Sakura tomatoes are vigorous growers with exceptionally high yields. Additionally, this variety is remarkably disease resistant and is tolerant of both cold and warm temperatures.

This plant also thrives in tight spaces, so you can have it growing indoors happily. The cherry tomatoes that grow into sakuras are medium-large, shiny red, and can reach a height of seven or eight inches.

Sungold Tomatoes

Sungold tomatoes are small, sweet, and have a stunning yellow color when ripe. Additionally, their color makes them a very popular choice among growers. Their Brix rating is 9.3 and they’re tangy and sweet.

The fruit will turn golden orange only when it is ready for picking after receiving at least six hours of solid sun. Not only are Sungold tomatoes different in color, but they also remain firmer than most other cherry tomato varieties.

Growing Tomato Tips

It isn’t that hard to grow tomatoes, and germination can take as little as seven days. You can easily take the seeds from an existing tomato fruit unless you want a specific variety.

For happy cherry tomatoes, be sure to pay attention to the level of sun, soil, and water. Be on the lookout for signs of tomato blossom end rot.

Providing Enough Sunlight

It’s important to provide tomatoes with plenty of sunlight. Therefore, even if they are grown indoors, keep them in a sunny spot. Generally, seeds do not like cold and frost, so if they are still sprouting in colder months, keep them indoors or in a greenhouse.

Before moving your plants outdoors, wait until they are at least 6 to 10 inches tall.

Maintaining Your Soil

A well-draining soil is what matters most when it comes to soil. It is very problematic to have waterlogged soil. A PH balance of 6.2 to 6.5 is recommended on average.

It is recommended that you fertilize your soil regularly with a 10-20-10 balanced fertilizer to improve its quality. You should keep your plants well-spaced when planting in the soil to give them plenty of room to grow.

Watering Your Tomatoes

It is recommended that you water your cherry tomato plants every two to three days. Water as often as every second day when it is extremely hot and dry.

Tomato cages help the vines grow into a uniform shape and make it easier to harvest the tomatoes when they are ready. A stake or a tall stick will work just as well.

Harvesting the Sweetest Cherry Tomatoes

It usually takes about a month for cherry or plum tomatoes to begin flowering. A few weeks later, you will start to see little fruits appearing on the stems.

You should be able to easily remove your tomatoes from the stem once they are ripe. If you notice some resistance, leave them on for a few more days to ripen completely.

As not all fruits ripen at the same time, it’s probably best to check in every day and pick individual fruits as they ripen.

Tomatoes will continue to produce fruit throughout the winter months. You should cover your plants with a sheet or mesh cover if they are growing outdoors in frost-prone areas.

Final Thoughts on Our Sweetest Tomatoes Guide

When you plant cherry or plum varieties, always bear in mind that they will be much sweeter than other varieties.

Make sure that the soil is kept moist, but not wet, and that it remains free of extreme cold and frost. Choose small and succulent tomatoes for the best flavor!

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