Transplanting Hydroponic Plants To Soil

It is becoming increasingly popular to grow crops hydroponically, but what happens if you want to transplant them into the ground?

You have to take care of your hydroponic plants well when moving them to soil, or they may die.

Plant shock is caused by changes in the growing environment, and you need to overcome it if you want your plants to flourish.

Keep reading to learn what you need to know about transplanting hydroponic plants to soil and how to do so safely.

Can You Transplant Hydroponic Plants To Soil?

Hydroponic plants can be transplanted into soil safely.

In order to ensure the plant’s survival during and after the transition, care must be taken both during and after the transition.

To get a jump on their spring gardens, many gardeners use hydroponic systems to start seeds. Other growers prefer hydroponically starting plants because they avoid the mess of soil or growing mediums.

It is also important to transfer plants to the soil if you have large plants overtaking your hydroponic system. It is possible to continue growing plants by moving them outdoors or into a large pot.

It is possible for other growers to transfer their plants to soil pots in order to sell them.

Water-grown plants should be transplanted carefully due to the dangers of transplant shock.

Growing plants in a water-based environment and then transplanting them to dirt isn’t possible, especially in a garden plot, since roots and plants need time to adjust.

Hydroponic plants also need time to adjust to their new environment, just as seedlings need to be hardened off before transplanting outside.

Dangers Of Moving Plants From Water To Soil

When plants are transplanted from water to soil, they are at risk of shock during the process.

Growing plants in water has a much more delicate root system than growing them in soil.

A plant’s roots become thinner and shorter when water is used as a transporter of nutrients.

Growing plants in soil requires thicker roots that grow long in search of nutrients and are more resistant to adverse climate and moisture conditions.

What Is Transplant Shock?

The roots of a plant will slow or even stop growing if they are suddenly deprived of moisture and nutrients.

There are plants that cannot adjust quickly enough to avoid dying off, while there are others that drop their leaves or turn yellow or brown, or wilt.

It is common for gardeners to experience transplanting shock over the years, but they rarely lose a plant as a result.

It’s almost inevitable that plants originating from hydroponic systems will experience some level of shock when they are transferred to soil.

In the steps below, I explain how to minimize shock to hydroponically-grown plants when they are moved to the soil.

How To Transplant Hydroponic Plants To Soil

Step 1 – Reduce Water To Your Hydroponic Plants

Reducing water consumption is a good way to prepare your hydroponic plants for transplantation into pots.

As they grow deeper roots, they will be able to find more water in the soil as a result of lowering their access to water.

In addition to reducing the watering schedule, the roots will also become tougher. There is a significant difference between the cell walls of plants grown in soil and those grown in water.

Plants that are moved from water to soil too quickly will suffer or even die because their roots are unprepared to find food in the dirt.

Step 2 – Find The Right Size Pot

Before planting hydroponic plants in your garden, you will need to move them into a pot for the transition phase.

Having plants in pots will make moving them around much easier during the hardening off process, which will take several weeks.

For transplanting seedlings, a pot with a diameter of four to six inches allows enough room for a hydroponic plant’s roots to spread without hitting the sides.

Step 3 – Fill The Pot With Growing Medium

Hydroponic plants should be transplanted into loose potting soil or soil-free peat mix.

As a result of the ample aeration, soft surface, and lightness of the growing medium, roots are able to grow and toughen up without being pressed against their delicate membranes by heavy soil.

In a separate container, moisten the soil evenly with water before adding it to the pot. The potting mix should not be soaked as this could result in root rot.

Plants will stay upright if the potting mix is filled 3/4 full. Gently press down to create a firm base.

Step 4 – Form A Hole In The Potting Mix And Place The Transplant

A spoon can be used to make a hole in the middle of the pot. The root ball of your transplant should be able to fit easily in the hole you dug.

As many pots as you need should be prepared before you begin moving plants from the hydroponic water to the soil.

You may want to sprinkle mycorrhiza into each hole once you’ve prepared all your pots.

Symbiotic relationships between these fungi and plant root systems allow both to obtain nutrients they need to survive.

In exchange for giving up some of the carbohydrates sugars it creates through photosynthesis, the fungi stretch delicate tendrils into the soil around the roots to absorb and break down minerals.

For better success with transplanting, add this to your pots to improve the growth of the fungus and plant.

Step 5 – Trim And Transfer Your Plants Into The Pots

Transplants should be trimmed back some of their leaves and stems. In this way, the plant is less stressed to sustain dense foliage during the soil transition by providing water and food.

Make sure not to clip more than 1/3 of the leaves from the plant, as this can also cause shock. Plants with few leaves, such as seedlings, should be left alone.

Place the root ball in the hole after lifting the plant from its hydroponic garden. The roots should be covered lightly with soil.

Pack the soil gently around the stem to hold the plant upright, but do not push the roots down.

Step 6 – Water And Watch Your Transplants

You should mist the soil of your transplants as soon as they are placed in the pot, even though your potting mix should already be moist.

In order to help hydroponic plants grow, you’ll want to add some fertilizer to the misting water. Hydroponic plants get continuous water and nutrients from the misting water.

Mist the pots daily for the first week and use 1/4 the fertilizer the plant typically receives. For success, it is essential to keep those roots moist.

Slowly reduce watering until you’re only watering the plant once a week after the first week. As roots become tougher, they become less dependent on constant moisture.

Step 7 – Begin Hardening Off The Transplants

Group your transplants in a large tray and move them to a light-rich area once you’ve placed them in the soil.

You should place them in a bright, sunny room for a few days to begin with. Drooping plants should be moved away from direct light exposure and the soil should be moist.

Bring the plants back inside overnight after moving them outside during the warmest hour of the day. This is usually between noon and 1-2 PM.

Allow them to spend two hours outdoors each day until they are able to cope with the change in temperature and sunlight when they are outside.

It is now safe to leave them outdoors all the time if the overnight temperature is at or above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and you can move them into the ground or containers soon afterward.

Keep an eye on the plants. The yellowing or falling of leaves is nothing to worry about.

Plants that wilt or droop indicate a lack of moisture, so make sure they are hydrated. It is important to monitor soil conditions closely outside because the sun and wind quickly dry out soil.

A delicate hydroponic transplant won’t last long if the roots fail to find water.

In Summary

Adding soil-filled containers or outdoor vegetable plots to your hydroponic growing system is a great way to expand your garden.

You can grow seeds hydroponically more easily and prevent soil-borne diseases from ruining your seedlings by keeping your indoor growing spaces free of messy dirt.

You can keep your hydroponic plants safe from transplant shock now that you know how to move them to soil and watch them flourish!

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