You Have a Dying Tree In Your Yard: How to Tell and What to Do

Trees are not only a great addition to the garden or backyard, but they also come with a ton of benefits for the environment. They provide shade, improve air quality, and keep the soil intact. However, like any other living thing, trees also have a lifespan and might eventually die.

If you have a tree on your property that you suspect might be dying, it’s crucial to take action before it poses a risk to your property and family. This article will guide you on how to identify a dying tree and what steps you can take to save it.

Check the Tree’s Leaves 

The first sign of a dying tree is usually a change in its leaves. If you notice premature leaf drop, discoloration, or wilting, it may be an indication that the tree is struggling. You should also look for any dead or brown leaves, usually towards the top of the tree. These leaves indicate that the tree is not getting the nutrients it needs to survive.

When checking the tree’s top leaves, it is important to be safe and use the proper tools. A ladder should not be used unless necessary as this can increase the risk of injury. Instead, you could use a pair of binoculars or even just look through a window. If possible, have someone assist you by spotting from below just in case anything goes wrong.

Be sure to take all precautions while checking the tree’s leaves as it can be dangerous to climb or reach for them.  Once you have identified any potential problems with the leaves, you should move on to examining other aspects of the tree.

Look for Dead Branches

Dead branches are a clear indication that a tree is struggling. If you notice branches that are brittle, dry, or easily breakable, your tree is likely dying. You should also look out for areas where the bark has fallen off as this shows signs of decay.

Once you have identified dead branches on your tree, the first step is to carefully remove them. This will reduce the risk of property damage and help prevent the spread of disease. Depending on the size and location of the tree, you may need to call in a professional for assistance. If possible, use pruning shears or loppers to cut off the dead branch as far back as you can. Be sure to dispose of them at a green waste facility as well.

Check for Cracks or Splits in the Bark 

The bark of a tree acts as its protective layer, and any damage can be a sign of trouble. Check your tree for any cracks or splits in the bark. If you notice any, it may indicate pests or disease have entered the tree. You should also look out for holes or sawdust-like materials around the bark, which could be signs of pests.

In addition to checking for cracks and splits in the bark, you should also inspect the tree for any signs of pests or diseases. Look out for insect galleries, holes, discolored patches, or unusual growths on the bark of your tree. These may indicate that an infestation is present.

Check the Roots 

The roots of a tree are its foundation, and any damage can be a warning sign. If you notice a fungus growing around the tree’s base, it may indicate root decay. You can test the roots by digging a small hole near the tree and inspecting the roots. If they are dark, mushy, or brittle, then it is an indication that the tree is dying.

Healthy roots are typically white, firm, and flexible. They should have a healthy amount of moisture and be spread throughout the soil around the tree. Additionally, healthy roots should be actively growing and producing new root hairs to support the tree’s growth. Healthy trees will also have fewer diseased or infected roots compared to dying trees.

What You Can Do

The best way to prevent a dying tree is by taking immediate action. If you are able to identify the cause of the problem but aren’t sure how to help, it is always best to call in an expert. An arborist can assess the tree’s condition and provide advice on how to save it. They can also recommend a plan of action that will help bring your tree back to health.

Depending on the cause of the distress, they may suggest pruning or fertilizing the tree, removing the diseased branches, or using insecticides to control pests. In the worst case scenario, tree removal may be your only option.

But in some cases, you may be able to save a dying tree with a few simple steps. Adding mulch around the base of the tree can help retain moisture and provide much-needed nutrition. You should also ensure that your tree has access to adequate amounts of water, as this can help it recover from any stress it might be under. Additionally, providing shade during the hottest months of the year can help protect your tree from any extreme temperatures.

It is important to remember that dying trees pose a risk to your property and safety and should be dealt with as soon as possible. Taking action early can help save your tree and ensure that it remains healthy for years to come.

Taking care of your trees means maintaining their health, and knowing how to spot a dying tree is the first step. Checking for cracks in the bark, looking for dead or dying branches, noticing leaf discoloration, observing tree roots, and checking for foliage thinning are the primary indicators. It is essential to call professional arborists to diagnose and treat the problem immediately. Remember, a healthy tree is a happy tree!

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